Finding the best bait for surf fishing is essential to catching fish and having success in the surf. If you’re not using the right bait, you’re simply not going to catch fish. During the summertime, it’s easy; the best bait for...
With the present and upcoming heatwave, there’s plenty uncertainty as to how it might affect the surf fishing. In basic theory and understanding of seasonal surf fishing, summertime is peak season because it brings in warmer water temps. So, is the...
So something crazy just happened. That sentence right there really sums it up, because words can’t describe what just happened. A recent client, Jim Boehmer, accompanied by his son Cameron, caught a yellowtail from the beach during his guided session. Before...
Lucky Craft vs Calissa: Is the Lucky Craft FM 110 worth the buy at its average price of around $20? Is the near-doubled price tag in comparison to its competitors justified? Is there a productive alternative to Lucky Craft? These are...
I know it’s been a while since I’ve given a true “fishing report”, so, let’s take the time to talk about what’s happening in the surf right now. Before I get into the report, I want to call your attention to...
Ever shown up to fish your spot with the expectation of sand crabs being readily available, only to find… well, none? Yup, I have too. In fact, this past week (8/2 – 8/8/2020), sand crabs were running on the scarce side...
As many of us know by now, the surf fishing has been absolutely on fire this summer in Southern California. Similarly, the weather (air temp) has seemed just as hot. Unfortunately, the warm weather hasn’t been enough to keep the summertime...
Alright guys! Today, I’ll officially be offering an option to view my fishing logs. This is separate from my blog which (for the most part) focuses on informational articles while sometimes referencing a report or forecast of sorts. It’s been a...
I want to point out that this will be a fairly quick post directed towards this past week of fishing as well as the upcoming forecast. While the post itself will be short, I’m going to drop this link to my...
Last week, I mentioned that Leopard sharks have been here in great numbers since late April. I also mentioned that right about now (mid-June), is when Corbina arrive, or feed actively in great numbers. Both of those remained true this past...