Is Seaweed Predictable? New Strategy for Predicting Seaweed
There’s so much that goes into planning for a surf fishing session. We’ve got tides, water temp, surf height and many other factors. Many factors have some means of predicting and forecasting already available. Whether they’re always accurate or not, it’s nice to have a general idea of what to expect in terms of conditions. But would it be possible to create an accurate seaweed forecast?
Seaweed Forecast
The world of fishing has come a long way in terms of technology and forecasting capabilities to aid in an anglers prepping process. But, to this day, I’ve always looked at planning out a session with the following mindset: There are two main predictables and two main unpredicatables. The two predictables, tides and surf height. The two unpredictables, seaweed and current.
For the longest time, I’ve accepted this notion. But, I’d like to change that, or at least take one step in helping to plan around the factor of seaweed. I’ve brainstormed some ideas but by the end of it, I realized simplicity is the best way to go about this. So below, without further delay, is my attempt at a solution.
New SFSC Seaweed Forums
To find the new forums: Menu > Fishing Reports (drop-down) > Forums. I know it might not be the most sophisticated of ideas, but it’s worth a shot. Rather than attempting to create some form of “seaweed forecast”, I’ve created an online forums page for users across Southern California. I can easily add more range to that if interest is shown. As more people participate and provide reports, the data base will only become more helpful making seaweed a predictable factor within conditions.
Here’s the link to the SFSC Seaweed forums. Please follow the format of the reports that I’ve completed in the “Seaweed Report: San Diego Beaches” forum. The more structure and consistency we can keep in these forums the better. I know we’re entering a slower season for surf fishing and participation might take some time to create a consistent, quality resource, but let’s make it happen! Below is an example of one of my reports:
Amount of seaweed: Medium
Type of seaweed: Bits and pieces with some grass
Notes: Lots of bits and pieces with some grass. Tried moving around but it was everywhere. Light tackle was manageable but sharking was not an option.

I really hope this new forums section takes off because it could make for a breakthrough in surf fishing and planning for conditions. Thanks for reading and I encourage you all to participate in the forums as much as you can.
Thanks for the article Nick, I will be fishing Mission Beach this month, I invested in some of those High sea waders, can’t wait to get in the water.
Awesome! Hope to hear how it does and best of luck to your!
No problem Richard. Thanks for your engagement.
Great idea…will prove to be very helpful!
Thanks you! More participation the better!