Most Popular Surf Fishing Posts
This page is an accumulation of some of the most popular posts from Surf Fishing In So Cal’s Report/Articles collection (the blog).
San Diego County Beaches:

Common Species in So Cal:

Gear and Tackle I Use for Surf Fishing:

Recommended Rods and Reels by So Cal Anglers:

Peak Seasons For Surf Fishing:

Yellow Tail from the Surf! Land-Based Record?

How I Broke the 30-Inch Mark! A 31.5-inch Halibut:

Grunion Runs: Best Beaches and Tactics:

Sand Crabs and Surf Fishing:

Red Tide and Surf Fishing:

Sea Foam and the Red Tide:

Halibut Fishing:

Surf Fishing with Mussel Meat:

Guided Surf Fishing Sessions:

Sight Casting, Spotfin, and Sand Crabs!

A Fish’s Worth: Inside the Mind of a Fisherman:

Surf Perch Breeding and Aggression: Lures vs C-rig:

Surfperch Fishing to Heat Up Come November:

How to Go Surf Fishing:

Best Baits for Surf Fishing:

Corbina Fishing:

Full Bend Fishing Apparel: