Leopard Shark Fishing: A Complete How To Fishing Guide

Looking to catch a leopard shark from shore? If you’ve tried surf fishing for leopard sharks before and they’ve evaded you, it might surprise you when I tell you that leopard shark fishing is actually quite easy.
In this article, I’ll break it all down into simple and clear sections, hopefully leaving you with all the knowledge you need to go out there and catch your first big leopard shark from shore.
About the Leopard Shark
Leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) are marked with an incredibly gorgeous and intricate pattern consistent with that of a leopard. Hence the name, “leopard shark”.
These sharks scavenge the ocean floors searching for meals which often consist of scraps of smaller fish, clams, squid, sand crabs, crabs, and octopus. At times, they’ve been known to prey on smaller baitfish as well.
They can be found roaming the ocean waters from Mexico to Northern California and typically inhabit depths of around 40 feet or less. These slender-bodied specimens spend much of their time near sandy beaches and bays (as well as reefs) and are known to come extremely close to shore at times. Let’s get into a little bit about the species and a lot about leopard shark fishing.
Leopard Shark Fishing
Interested in catching leopard sharks from the surf? Here are some important things you should keep in mind to better your chances of catching these beauties. Leopard sharks aren’t the toughest shark to land, but you can certainly lose more fish than you catch if you don’t know what you’re doing. Take note of these valuable tips and I promise you will learn how to successfully catch leopard sharks from the surf.
Legal Limit (#) | 3 |
Legal Size (in) | 36-inches |
Record Size (in/lb) | 72-inches/51-pounds |
Fighting Strength (-/10) | 8/10 |
Range | Mazatlan, Mexico, to Oregon |
Habitat | Flat/Sandy |
4 Tips for Leopard Shark Fishing

1) Bait to the Bottom
Fishing for leopard sharks is different than other types of fishing. Yes, these fish are extremely strong, but don’t be mistaken, they are bottom feeders! So it’s important you keep your bait weighted down on the sandy bottoms. I recommend either an 8 ounce pyramid or a 6 ounce sputnik weight. Depending on the current, you might have to use the sputnik as opposed to a pyramid because the prongs grab and hold the sand much better.
2) Circle hooks
Yes! You should use circle hooks for leopard shark fishing. These hooks have gained popularity in recent years for shark fishing and other big-game fishing. Whether you’ve got your rod in a rod holder or you’re holding your rod, circle hooks provide perfect self hook sets every time! This eliminates the guessing game of pin pointing the perfect time to set the hook. Let the leopard shark run with it for the first solid run and when you feel the run is a sure and strong run, tighten up that drag and apply more pressure. These hooks are life savers!
3) Get your bait out as far as possible
While it isn’t impossible to catch a leopard shark in shallow waters, you certainly increase your chances of catching them the further you cast.
4) Be patient
I like to set up a rod holder for my big set-up and fish actively with my light set-up. If the current isn’t too strong and the seaweed isn’t thick, you should have no issues. This also provides an opportunity for your bait to soak. The longer your bait soaks, its scent becomes more potent and spreads until the sharks can find it.

Leopard Shark Fishing Gear and Tackle
You’ll need a good rod and reel for leopard shark fishing and you’ll also need the right line and rigging. Below, I’ve outlined the exact set-up I use when I fish for them, and then we’ll get into the rod, reel, and rig separately.
Best Rod and Reel for Leopard Shark Fishing
Your rod should have specs similar to the following:
Length (ft) | Power | Action | Line Weight (lb) | Lure Weight (oz) |
13 | Heavy | Moderate-Fast | 20 – 40 | 4 – 8 |
I explain what all these specs (number of guides, action/taper, and power) on a fishing rod mean in my article about the best surf fishing rods. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or want advice.
Your reel for leopard shark fishing should have specs that are similar to these:
Size | Line Capacity (braid) | Max Drag Capacity | Recovery Rate (in) | Bearings (#) |
6000 – 8000 | 350-500 yds | 25 lbs | 36 – 47 | 5+ |
Again, these are just guidelines, so it’s not the end of the world if you stray a little bit from these numbers. These are just the specs that I use and recommend. If you’d like to learn more about the specs and numbers on a fishing reel and what they mean, check out the linked article.
Leopard Shark Fishing Rig
After you’ve got your rod and reel, it’s time to spool up. You’ll start with 50-pound main line (braid) and add on a top shot of about 25 to 30 yards of 80 to 100-pound mono or fluoro using an FG knot. Then it’s time for your shark rig.
Here’s everything you need for leopard shark fishing:
- Rod: Fiblink Moonsniper (12 or 13 feet)
- Reel: Penn Battle 6000 or 8000 (II or III)
- Mainline: 50-pound braid
- Top shot: 100-pound nylon coated mono
- Shark Rig: (Buy Here)
- Hooks: 7/0 Circles
- Swivel: 3-Way Barrel Swivel
- Crimps: AFW #6 Crimps
- Weight: 8-ounce pyramid or 6-ounce sputnik
Bait for Leopard Shark Fishing
Have you been trying to catch a big leopard shark for a while now? Have you had luck with only small sharks and rays? Odds are, you’re using squid and that’s the wrong bait… for big sharks at least.
Countless anglers reach out to me every year saying something like this, “Hey man, I’ve been trying to land a big leopard for years now with no luck… any tips?”. Usually they’ll mention they’ve been catching large rays and baby sharks which is super fun too, but I immediately know at that point, they’ve been using squid. The first question I ask when someone inquires about this is what they’re using for bait. Squid will catch rays and smaller sharks, cut bait will catch bigger sharks.
The best bait for catching leopard sharks is actually the product of light-tackle fishing. Convenient huh? Fresh perch and yellowfin croaker have proven to work the best. While frozen mackerel and other chunk bait will do just fine, nothing seems to be nearly as enticing as perch and yellowfin croaker. Simply cut your perch or croaker into 2-inch segments and you’ve got yourself some top-notch shark bait!

Best Beach for Leopard Shark Fishing
It’s tough to pinpoint the “best beach for leopard shark fishing”. There was a time in which I thought it was Oceanside, there were also times, I thought PB. The truth is, the best beach changes every season, and all season long. There will be days you show up and you’re on the money with shark after shark. You might come back the next day and the beach is dead. You just have to put the time in and find the hot spot! If you’re new to San Diego, check out this in-depth overview of beaches for fishing in San Diego.
As mentioned earlier, they can be found at sandy beaches up and down our coastline. Pick a beach, follow the 4 tips mentioned above, and you’ll get on a big one soon enough.
Leopard Sharks in La Jolla
Here in San Diego, we are lucky enough to have an abundance of leopard sharks that call the La Jolla Cove home. They swim up and down our beaches, specifically during the months of June through September making San Diego one of the best places to catch leopard sharks. The vast majority of these sharks are female and are attracted to San Diego’s warm water temps as they seek to maintain a comfortable body temperature for the pups they carry in preparation of spawning. This scenario calls for superb leopard shark fishing!
California leopard sharks tend to measure in at about 4-5 feet with some ranging upwards of 6-feet. Bottom line, they put up a thrilling fight and they’re fairly easy to target successfully… so long as you know what you’re doing.
Can You Eat Leopard Shark? Does it Taste Good?
While you can eat leopard shark, I advise against it. I’ve heard it tastes good, but I can’t speak from experience. I practice catch and release with these beauties.
If you still decide to catch leopard sharks for eating purposes, the legal limit is 36 inches. The reason for this is their slow growth rate and therefore susceptibility to possible over fishing. Additionally, if you don’t bleed them out correctly and immediately, the meat will spoil due to urea. Check the Department of Fish and Wildlife website for up-to-date information.
Are Leopard Sharks Dangerous or Friendly?
All sharks have the potential to be dangerous, but leopard sharks have proven to be virtually harmless to humans. There has been only one reported leopard shark attack in which the swimmer was minimally harmed. The swimmer allegedly provoked the “attack”. Divers and snorkelers swim with these fish year after year as they are a main attraction for the city of La Jolla. Regardless, be smart when either swimming with or handing any shark. Use caution and be respectful of the fish. They have teeth and they have the potential to do some damage.
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Got any questions? Let me know below, or contact me on the “Contact Us” page. I look forward to hearing from you. Tight lines and good luck in your leopard shark fishing endeavors!
New to leopard shark fishing and live in Oceanside. Any recommendations on a good spot here to check out? I have a 9 foot medium action surf rod with 30lb braid as well as an 8 foot heavy action rod with 50 lb mono. Which should I use for leopards? Thanks
Taller and stronger the rod the better. I use braid to mono. You can see exactly what I use in the above section in this article but you’ve probably already seen that. Oceanside itself is a solid option for leopards. Any of the main beaches there are solid. Like I always say, you can catch sharks up and down the coast, it’s a matter of putting in the time👌
Okay thanks man, I appreciate the info and quick response. In a case like mine, would you rather use the longer/lighter action rod, or the shorter/heavier rod to fight a leopard shark?
Hmm how light and how heavy we talkin? Give me the specs if you can.
The surf rod is a 9 foot medium action Daiwa Emcast surf rod with a 4000 series reel spooled with 25lb braid. The other rod is an 8 foot heavy action custom offshore rod with a jigmaster 500s spooled with 50 lb mono.
Okay so for you’re given situation, the 9 ft is perfect for light tackle. I’d probably go down to 15lb test for that though. The 8 footer would have to be your shark rod but I’d be tempted to do braid to mono or even just braid on that set up because 50lb mono is likely only going to hold mayne 125 yards which isn’t enough. You could also just do straight 20-25 lb mono and that might hold enough line. Either way you should have a wire leader as they’ll saw through mono.
Does all that make sense?
Yeah that makes sense man. About how far out do I need to be getting my bait out? I’ve got a cooler full of croaker, mackerel, squid, and anchovies to choose from. Been using 4/0 circle hooks with 3/0 stingers behind and 3-5 oz pyramid weights. Willing to paddle it out on a boogie board if it’s worth the hassle haha.
The further the better, but when it comes down to it, you can catch them on a 40 yard cast. If you’re willing to paddle it out do it, but if not, it might just take a little more time.
Okay cool that makes sense, I really appreciate all the advice man. Super helpful.
Not a problem, here to help. Go get em and lemme know how ya do.
Okay thanks man, I appreciate the quick reply. Between my two rods, would you rather use the longer/lighter action rod or the shorter/heavier action rod for leopards? Not sure if the surf rod is to light, but the shorter rod would lack in casting distance.
Went out today, but didn’t have any luck. Main issue was keeping my bait in one spot. Using a 5 oz pyramid and sand spike, but it just kept drifting sideways into the shore.. Any suggestions?
That happens. Some days are worse than others. Some days are simply unfishable while others are perfect. I use an 8oz pyramid but you could try what’s called a Sputnik weight too.
Are these sharks common further up North in Santa Monica Bay ?
I know Santa Monica area in general has been a good spot for them. Just not familiar with the bay. Not familiar with any bays tbh.
I’ve seen them swimming really shallow (right at shore in 12′ of water) just north of Santa Monica pier. This was in early December, 2020.
Good intel
This was very useful. I’ve been trying to target these beauties for a while know and now I have a better idea of what to do
Thank you! Keep me posted on your success.
You too, have a Merry Christmas Richard! Always awesome to hear what you’re catching and the progress you’re making. Keep it up!
Thanks Nick.
Hi Nick, I fish Coronado Central Beach this morning low tide caught 2 surf perch on
EZ Flea fish bites and 2 Yellowfin croaker on gulp sand worms. The conditions were great no seaweed and no grass, it’s a beautiful beach to Surf fish.
Awesome! Keep up the good work.
I caught one of these from the pier in Ventura this year only six inches or so. Next time I hope for a bigger one.
I caught one of these from Ventura pier only about six inches or so. I hope to get a bigger one next time.
What rig/hook size are you running with cut bait? Also how do you put the cut bait on the hook, presentation-wise, nylon thread needed at all?
It should all be listed in the description of my setup but it’s a 7/0 circle hook and I do an inch segment of cut bait through one side of the spine and out the other. Let me know if there’s anything else🤙
Hey Nick, what has been your experience catching leopards in wintertime? I most often fish Del Mar to Carlsbad, consistently around Dog Beach and the lagoon. Have caught my share there with ease, but wintertime seems to be when they go out further or on vacation. have you had any luck with sharks of any kind Nov-March? BTW, to save time, sometimes I go to an Asian market in Mira Mesa and pick up fresh sardines, fish heads or something else that catches my eye. I’ve caught Leopards on a variety of these. The last one I caught on a chunk of rainbow trout that had been in my freezer too long!
Hey, LaMar, I have had little success in the winter time for leopard sharks. I know they can be caught and I’ve caught a few big ones in the winter (always catching small ones regardless of the season), but I hear that the bays hold most of the leopards during this off-peak season. I don’t think I’ll ever be a bay fisherman though so I won’t know too much about that. My best advice for the surf though, would be keep doing what you know works and put in the time. It’s only natural to catch fewer fish in their off-peak seasons.
Hi Nick, I’ve heard that you can use a really heavy (70-100 lb) mono leader instead of wire for leopards. Would it be strong enough to prevent the sharks from cutting through it?
70-100 mono would likely work for the most part for leopards, but you’re still much better off with wire leaders. You might also hook into soupfin and sevengill and those are much tougher to land without wire.
Thank you for this article been following your advice for a while now. Question, when I do target sharks I have trouble keeping my line tight. I use a 11ft Penn Carnage heavy rod. I wade about waist deep cast and walk my rod back to my sand spike the line will be taught for a bit but then sort of slacks (usually do the the waves) any suggestions on how to keep the line tight?
What kind of weight are you using?