California to Offer 365-Day Fishing License and Electronic Display
It’s finally here! Beginning November 15, 2022, California anglers will be able to purchase a 365 day California fishing license with the first effective date being January 1, 2023. All licenses purchased on or after January 1, 2023 will be effective from the date of purchase for a continuous 365 days.

If you remember, just one year ago, Assembly Bill No. 817 was approved by the California Governor which proposed three changes. While the 365 day fishing license will be instated at the beginning of 2023, the option to display your California fishing license electronically via a mobile device isn’t expected to be available until 2024.
365 Day Fishing License Bill – What’s Changing and When?
- Projected to be available in 2024 – Provides an option for a digital fishing license (includes validations, report cards, or other sport fishing entitlements) (AB-817)
- Effective January 1, 2023 – Allows for a 12 consecutive month sport fishing license (AB-817)
- Effective November 15, 2022 Changes the reduced-fee for residents over the age of 65, from income-based, to based on whether or not the resident receives benefits from certain state programs (AB-817)
Digital California Fishing License: Electronic Display Via Mobile Device?
According to Wayne Kotow, Executive Director at Coastal Conservation Association of California (CCA CAL), the option to display an electronic version of your California sport fishing license via a mobile device is projected to be available in 2024. It will likely be introduced in conjuncture with a designated CDFW app. Wayne Kotow was kind enough to provide me with this unofficial projected outline of future plans for the digital fishing license.
Mobile Application – Phase One – Base Licenses and Validations – Goal June 2024
2022 – Mobile application regulatory process start Nov 2022
2023 – Design, develop and test mobile application for base licenses and validations (no tags or report cards)
2024 – Mobile application for base licenses and validations (no tags or report cards) implementation
Mobile Application – Phase Two – Report Card Functionality – Goal June 2025
2023 – Mobile application report card regulatory process
2024 – Design, develop and test mobile application report card functionality
2025 – Mobile application report card functionality implementation
FAQ’s About the 365 Day Fishing License
Q: When can I purchase a 365-day sport fishing license?
A: Beginning November 15th of 2022, you will be able to purchase a 365-day sport fishing license for the 2023 year. All 365-day sport fishing licenses purchased prior to December 31, 2022, will be valid from January 1st through December 31st of 2023.
Q: Can a non-resident purchase a 365 day fishing license?
A: Yes. Both residents and nonresidents can purchase a 365-day sport fishing license.
Q: Where can I purchase a sport fishing licenses?
A: All types of sport fishing licenses can be purchased online through the CDFW’s website.
Q: Can I still get a calendar year sport fishing license?
A: After the beginning of the 2023 year, all licenses will be valid 365 days from the date of purchase so there will no longer be a calendar year fishing license.
Q: Do they have 365 day sport fishing report cards?
A: No. All report card seasons and periods of validity will remain unchanged.
Q: Can I buy a fishing license for next year or before my current license expires?
A: Beginning in 2023, you’ll have the ability to purchase a 365-day fishing license up to 45 days before your current license expires.
Q: Will Auto-Renewal continue to be available for the new 365-day sport fishing license?
A: Yes. Auto-Renewal will continue to be available for 365-day sport fishing licenses.
Q: Do you need to have a hard copy of your fishing license in physical form with you while fishing?
A: Yes. You also need to make sure it’s signed.
Q: Will CDFW still sell gift vouchers that can be gifted to other people to redeem for sport fishing licenses? If so, how will they work?
A: Gift vouchers valid for 365-day sport fishing licenses will go on sale for the first time on November 15, 2022, and may be redeemed for a 365-Day Resident Sport Fishing License through December 31, 2023.
If you purchase a gift voucher between November 15 and December 31, 2022, and redeem the voucher by December 31, 2022, you will be issued a 365-day sport fishing license that is valid from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.
Gift vouchers purchased after November 15, 2022, that are redeemed on or after January 1, 2023, will be for a sport fishing license that is valid for 365 days from the date of redemption. For example, if you redeem a gift voucher on January 26, 2023, you will be issued a sport fishing license valid from January 26, 2023, through January 25, 2024.
Q: How long are gift vouchers valid?
A: Gift vouchers purchased between November 15, and December 31, 2022, will be redeemable for a 365-day sport fishing license through December 31, 2023.
Gift vouchers purchased on or after January 1, 2023, will be redeemable for a 365-day sport fishing license for 365 days from the date of purchase. For example, if you purchase a gift voucher on January 26, 2023, the voucher will be redeemable for a 365-day sport fishing license January 25, 2024.
Q: I have a gift voucher that was purchased before November 15, 2022, can I redeem it for a new 365-day sport fishing license?
A: Gift vouchers purchased before November 15, 2022, cannot be redeemed for the new 365-day sport fishing license.
Gift vouchers purchased in 2022, but before November 15, 2022, are redeemable for a 2022 calendar year sport fishing license through December 31, 2022. The redeemed license is valid through December 31, 2022.
Q: How will the new 365-day sport fishing license affect lifetime license holders?
A: Lifetime license renewals, issued on or after January 1, 2023, will be valid 365 days from the date the license is claimed or redeemed. For example, if you claim your lifetime license on March 3, 2023, it will be valid through March 2, 2024.
Q: How will the new 365-day sport fishing license affect the licenses below?
- Blind
- Disabled Veteran
- Mobility Impaired
- Developmentally Disabled
- Recovering Service Member
- Low-Income Native Americans
- Low-Income Seniors (65 years or older)
A: All of the licenses above issued on or after January 1, 2023, will be valid for 365-days from the date of purchase.
Q: Will sport fishing report cards be valid for 365-days from the date of purchase?
A: No. All report card seasons and validity periods will remain unchanged.
Q: Will sport fishing validations also be valid for 365-days?
A: Yes. If you purchase a Second-Rod Validation, Sport Ocean Enhancement Validation, or Recreational Crab Trap Validation on or after January 1, 2023, it will be valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.
The article below was published on October 10th, 2021
Big news in the California fishing community was just announced! Assembly Bill No. 817 now authorizes the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to issue (the option for) a 365 day fishing license as well as an option for a digital fishing license (displayed via your mobile device).
Assembly Bill No. 817 now authorizes the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to issue (the option for) a 365 day fishing license as well as an option for a digital fishing license (displayed via your mobile device).
It’s been a long time coming as the push for a 365 day fishing license (or 12-consecutive-month fishing license) had been ongoing for years prior to the signing of this bill. Seemingly just as popular had been the complaining of having to carry a hard-copy fishing license on you as opposed to keeping a digital copy of your fishing license on your phone. In this article, we’ll talk about what the new bill means for fishing in California, when the new fishing license regulations will take effect and more.
Assembly Bill No. 817 alters more than just the calendar vs. 365 day aspect of the California fishing license. In fact, this new bill changes three main regulations for California fishing licenses. The last of which has yet to be touched upon in many articles I’ve seen. Let’s get into it.
What Does The New 365 Day California Fishing License Change?
The Bill comes with 3 main changes to the California fishing license. Here’s what it does:
- Provides an option for a digital fishing license (includes validations, report cards, or other sport fishing entitlements)(AB-817).
- Allows for a 12 consecutive month sport fishing license (this is in addition to the calendar year license) (AB-817).
- Changes the reduced-fee for residents over the age of 65, from income-based, to based on whether or not the resident receives benefits from certain state programs (AB-817).
When Will the Mobile California Fishing License Take Effect
We have yet to receive an exact date as to when California anglers will be able to purchase licenses for the 12 consecutive month style and display their electronic fishing licenses via their mobile devices. But, the bill suggests it will be prior to 2023.
“On or before January 1, 2023, the department may provide an option to display a sport fishing license, validation, report card, or other sport fishing entitlement issued pursuant to this code or regulations adopted pursuant to this code electronically on a mobile device.” (Fish and Game Code, Section 1050.4).
The bill goes on to clarify that a person who displays their proper mobile fishing license shall be deemed to be compliant and within regulations. It then clarifies that the mobile aspect does not apply to tags that are required to be “affixed” to certain species of fish.
From my understanding, the Department of Fish and Wildlife has to instate mobile licenses (and the option for them) by January 1, 2023. If they fail to do so, or choose not to, they would forfeit the opportunity and California residents would miss out.
When Will the 365 Day California Fishing License Take Effect?
The bill “authorizes” the Department of Fish and Wildlife to make these changes, but does not state the changes must be made. More specifically, the burden lies on the director:
“The director may authorize the issuance of a license under subparagraph (A) that is valid for the period of 12 consecutive months beginning on the date specified on the license instead of only for the calendar year.” (Fish and Game Code, SEC. 2. Section 7149.05).
One caveat worth mentioning is that it technically won’t be a 365 day fishing license. It will be a 12 consecutive month fishing license. The keyword here is “may”. My opinion is that it will happen soon, but politics and laws just take a lot of time.
While there appears to be no cut-off as for when this must take place, the bill makes clear that it is only valid until January 1, 2030. After which, the section defining the option for a 12 consecutive month license, is repealed. After its repeal, it will be no longer be operative, and code excluding the 12 consecutive month license will become operative once more.
Why would they set a date to remove the new changes?
This one had me baffled at first. I’m still not crystal clear on it, but it appears that July of 2028, the director is supposed to file a report “evaluating all sport fishing licenses”. My guess is that by then they’ll have enough data to decide whether or not to continue with the changes offered here. In the end, it may come down to which method is more popular, which is easier to administer, or which makes the government more money.
What About the Reduced-Fee for Residents Over the Age of 65?
This change seems to be your typical politician move – create a bill that focuses on a change that is likely to be well-received by the target audience, and then throw in something that gives the government more power in hopes that it will be over-looked by the people.
So far, it has been over-looked. I haven’t read one previously-published article that mentioned the change. Here’s the code:
“A person over 65 years of age who is a resident of this state and who receives benefits pursuant to one of the following:
(A) Section 12200 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(B) The Cash Assistance Program for Aged, Blind, and Disabled Legal Immigrants (Chapter 10.3 (commencing with Section 18937) of Part 6 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code).”
My initial reaction to such a change is that the government is encouraging more reliance on them and less independence for the people. It appears they might be looking for reasons and statistics to support the notion that their programs are needed and used by [We] the people, to draw more funding… resulting in more taxes.
But, this is a fishing website and not a politics page so we’ll move on.
Why the Changes?
I wanted to make sure I got straight to the point, but for those who are curious as to what sparked the change and the ensuing existence of AB-817, this next section is for you.
365 Day Fishing License
California residents have been pressing for an option for fishing licenses that last 365 days from purchase date for a long time now. To some residents, it’s viewed as “not worthwhile” to purchase a license that expires at the end of the calendar year, regardless of when it’s purchased. Some anglers only begin fishing in June, half-way through the calendar year.
The argument could be made that it really doesn’t matter, because if a resident chooses to only fish a certain part of the year, they’ll still only fish that part of the year. More logistical for residents as such, would be a 6-month fishing license, or a 3-month fishing license. Maybe, one day California will take the initiative to instate something as such.
Digital Fishing License
Currently, you need to have your California fishing license on you or immediately accessible in physical form and it must be signed.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked the question, “can you keep your fishing license on your phone?” or, “can I just keep a digital copy of my fishing license?”. So, to those people, soon, the answer will likely be yes.
A couple things to keep in mind: make sure you have it downloaded if you won’t have good reception where you’re fishing. And, don’t drop your phone in the water if you don’t have a back-up hard copy on you.
I hope this helped clear up any confusion you might have had on the new bill that was passed. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
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Looking forward to digital, where I spend my winters it’s usually a pain to find a license vendor not so nearby.
I think overall digital and 365 is a good change for sure. The third change is a little interesting.
It’s a no brainer that more fishing licenses would be sold in the fall or winter if a 365 day or 12 consecutive month license was available. This option should have been implemented a very long time ago but the foot dragging that has been taking place by political leaders and by DFG has stalled this option to the point that I really don’t think it will happen at all.
We’ll just have to wait and see.
Just wondering if the genius desk jockeys at the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife are going to ACTUALLY PRINT the fishing regulations this year after NOT printing them last year following MASSIVE changes to our traditional seasons and limits and protected waters??? If they aren’t going to print the regs, I might have to delay buying my new fishing license until I am caught by a warden and go to court to argue that I cannot be expected to follow the regulations IF THEY HAVEN’T BEEN PRINTED!!! I don’t use a cellphone and REFUSE to print a 100+ pg. PDF “simplified” (!) set of state fishing regulations to carry around on my trips …
Great topic. Good info. I track it too.
Presently, the income limits set for the license discount for a recipient of SSI or SSDI always trailed the annual income rate CDI change. CA F&G was mandated to use ‘last years income’ as the max limit to obtain the discount, but it was now next year and the income having rising a few dollars meant absolutely no one on SSI or SSDI benefited.
No problems with freeloading blind guy’s or one-legged welfare cases were possible.
The ‘intent’ is encouraging disabled citizens to ‘recreate and be healthy’, ‘independency’, not “dependency on the government”.
While it may not be profitable, having taken several disabled CA citizens fishing, I find it quite satisfying just feeling other peoples joy – right up there with catching Roosterfish in Baja Sur surf. Makes me sad both such activities have fallen off, but at least doing Mexico is a real danger. Not an imaginary dependency on the government’ fate.
Thank you for the great articles!
This state is run by morons. They’re going to pay someone to develop, design, test and implement something that Oregon has dialed in. They could save I’m guessing millions by simply purchasing the Oregon app from them. Of course they wouldn’t be able to funnel tax dollars to their preferred developer then.