California halibut are one of the most sought after species to catch while shore fishing. They elude many and require time and knowledge to catch with consistency. This article will explain where to catch halibut from shore, the best baits and...
Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to experience some really cool moments fishing the surf. I’ve also been lucky enough to meet and fish with some really knowledgeable anglers. I believe it’s a common misconception that bigger fish and specifically...
You probably know of a handful of anglers who seem to always catch. Summer, spring, fall, winter, it doesn’t matter, they catch. When they post a catch, a natural first question is, “What lure color?” Do halibut prefer a certain color?...
I’ve been on a mission since September of 2021. I’ve been after the ever-elusive white seabass. Along the way, I’ve committed to fishing swimbaits in the surf. Before you hop on board and follow me in my pursuits, I warn you...