Early Spring Fishin’

It’s March! The sun’s setting later and the waters will slowly begin to warm up as Spring takes full effect. For surf anglers across Southern California, this is music to our ears. In the coming months, Corbina and Croaker numbers will be on the rise and the fishing will only be getting better. Take this time to read up on Corbina, Croaker, and other common surf species. There’s a lot going on this time of year, and there’s a lot to report on, so let’s get into it!

Surf Fishing Report

It had been a while since I made it out for an evening session. It’s just tough to do in the wintertime. When the sun sets before 6 pm, trying to balance rush hour traffic and fishing through the dark just doesn’t work out. With Daylight Savings on the Horizon, we decided to test out the evening session once again.

We arrived at about 3:30 pm and began fishing around 3:45 pm. The tide was rising and would reach its peak at 6:48 pm with a mild high of 3.1 feet. With gorgeous weather and swells at around 2 feet tall, the conditions were right. We started out using Lucky Crafts in hopes of Halibut for dinner, but for the first hour, nothing took. While Kyle and I continued to work the LCs, my buddy Luke decided to try out some Gulp Sand Worms (camo color). Instantly, he was getting bites. In about 30 minutes, he’d caught 5 Perch and a Yellowfin Croaker. It was awesome to see a Yellowfin Croaker again and that’s what convinced me to switch over.

While I had my hopes set on a Halibut, the tug of a Yellowfin Croaker was just too desirable to pass up. So, I switched to the sand worms. In the next hour and a half, he caught another seven fish and so did I. Within those seven for me, I got my Yellow. No monster, but it hit like one for sure. At about 13″, a Yellowfin Croaker can still pack a hell of a punch. Between the three of us, we landed 2 Yellowfin Croaker and 22 Perch and all said and done, we had a successful sunset session!

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Sharky News

As I mentioned last week, the Grunion should be running in the next couple days. In combination with the early season Grunion Runs and Spring making its debut, it’s shark season! Early Spring is when 7-Gill and Soupfin Sharks make appearances here in Southern California. To add some merit to this statement, a local San Diego angler reeled in a 7-gill just a few days ago! No specific spot nor beach will be revealed or identified as the catch location, but the excitement will only grow as the season begins. With the Grunion drawing in larger predators over the next week and gloomy weather rolling in, dedicated shark anglers will be hitting the beaches with high hopes… Will you be one of them?

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