Using Clams For Surf Fishing Bait There are a number of really good baits to choose from when it comes to fishing at the beach. Of all the baits used for surf fishing, clams may be the next best bait for...
Finding the best surf fishing spots is one of the most exciting parts about fishing the shoreline. It might seem easiest to just ask someone where you can catch fish, and sometimes that works. But, it’s so much more rewarding and...
Like all styles of fishing, determining what line to use for surf fishing depends on a couple factors. Mainly, you should figure out where you’ll be fishing (rocky/reefy/sandy) and what you’ll be targeting. In this article, I’ll be overviewing what line...
Not many anglers set out to catch bat ray as an intended target. For most anglers, targeting the biggest fish in the surf means surf fishing for sharks. But, whether bat rays are your target or not, if your fishing for...
Navigating the realm of fishing backpacks in search of the perfect fit can feel like a daunting task. Whether you’re endlessly scrolling through Amazon, Bass Pro, or various online storefronts, the quest for the best fishing backpack often resembles a bottomless...
A question I commonly receive is, “What’s the best surf fishing sinker?”. The answer is completely dependent on what your target is and how active your desired fishing style is. Here’s a breakdown of the best weights and sinkers for surf...
Whether you caught it fresh or just came home from the market, halibut is one of the most highly sought after fish meats. When I stumbled across this halibut recipe, I loved it immediately and had to share. If you like...
You probably know of a handful of anglers who seem to always catch. Summer, spring, fall, winter, it doesn’t matter, they catch. When they post a catch, a natural first question is, “What lure color?” Do halibut prefer a certain color?...
Let’s talk fall surf fishing. You might have noticed the summertime bite has slowed dramatically. Corbina are disappearing, croaker are being caught in smaller numbers, and the productivity of your surf fishing sessions might be dropping. It’s true that the normal...
Are you trying to get a little more time on the sand but your little ones are keeping you tied up at home? Maybe you’re more fortunate and you have a kid who wants to start fishing but you don’t know...