Surf Fishing Logs and Forecast (7/25/21)
7/20/21 Surf Fishing Logs

7/21/21 Surf Fishing Logs

7/23/21 Surf Fishing Logs

Surf Fishing Forecast
We’re approching the end of July now and I’d say the bite is about as hot as it’s been all summer. The numbers don’t tell the full story as the bite has definitely picked up. It’s still a little spotty and nothing like last year but it’s solid.
Specifically looking back to my log for 7-21-21, if you’ll read through the notes, I say that it could have easily been a 15 fish day for me. That’s because I spent most of my time helping my buddy, Luke out and trying to get some nice footage for an upcoming video. All in all, I still got 7 fish and the bite is turning on.
The surf has layed down real nicely and oddly enough, the best bite was presented on the day with the worst surf and seaweed conditions. The water temp is still up around 70 degrees Fahrenheit and the surf should remain nice and calm this week and I think now is the time to really pound the shore. If you’re looking to catch corbina, spotfin, yellows, or even leopard shark, now is the time to go!
Recommended Days to Go Surf Fishing
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
The Tuesday morning slot looks nice with a long rising tide until noon. If seaweed isn’t an issue, I like this slot.
Thursday and Saturday evening should also have nice low surf (Saturday looks best) and with the falling tide, any seaweed troubles should be eased. Might be worth staying through the low and checking for that tide change lined up with the sunset bite.
The current grunion run will last through Tuesday night so take advantage of that. I did not see any grunion on Friday night (although it’d be early), but I have been seeing reports of them showing up at our local beaches so try your luck!