Fishing Report/Forecast and Logs (8/1/21)
7/28 Fishing Log

7/29 Fishing Log

7/31 Fishing Log

Surf Fishing Forecast
Keep an eye on the water temp as it makes its way back up. It was encouraging to see that even as the water temp dropped down to the low 60s, the spotfin were still biting Given that the spotfin bite was great back in April/May, we might be in for a good run of those. Didn’t get any corbina, but I’ll take spotfin and soupfin any day of the week. I don’t see the colder water lasting more than 10-14 days. Surf height will tick up just a little Wednesday-Friday. The lowest surf should be seen on Monday and Tuesday and again on Saturday and Sunday.
Recommended Days to go Surf Fishing
Monday, Tuesday, Saturday
I like Monday and Tuesday morning with the slack falling tides as seaweed has been a concern as of late. The slack tide with relatively low surf should help subdue the current. The falling tide should help to keep any seaweed on the shoreline out of the water.
Saturday morning presents a nice opportunity for those of you who live by the rising tide rule… and for those who work a 9-5. The evening shouldn’t be bad either as I’d expect the surf to only mellow out after 4 pm. The success there all rides on seaweed if all other conditions roll as predicted.