FAQ About Surf Fishing with Answers!
Alright, guys! Today, we’ll be covering some of the most popular questions and topics about surf fishing. Increasingly often, anglers reach out with great questions regarding surf fishing whether it’s about tactics, species, gear, or something totally different. This website has been created and centered around so many of those questions and for that reason, the website had turned into a huge, growing wealth of info regarding surf fishing.
The problem, I’ve written so many articles that there isn’t nearly enough menu space to organize all the topics to be easily found and viewed by you guys. For nearly every question I receive, I’ve written an article that answers the question in detail. And, for the questions that I receive that I haven’t written about, I typically make a plan to write about them. So keep those questions coming! I simply don’t do a good enough job of providing direction to these articles. Well, at least I struggle to find a proper organizational layout to enhance angler/viewer navigation.
For this reason, I will be outlining some of the most common topics that people have questions about in reference to surf fishing and I’ll refer you to where to find the answer to each of them.
*Important* A feature that not many visitors know about is that there is a search bar that you can use to search any topic I’ve ever written about in this website! For desktop users, it’s in the top right corner of your screen. For mobile users, scroll to the very bottom of your screen and you’ll see a search box. With that aside, let’s dive right in!
How To Go Surf Fishing
The article that I recommend to anyone who wants to start surf fishing in general. This was written as if I were to walk you through an entire guided session. Top 5 valuable articles on this website.
In this article:
- Reading The Surf
- Gathering Bait
- Rigging Up
- Baiting Your Hook
- Casting and Placement
- Feeling Tension
- Feeling The Bite
- Setting The Hook
- Fighting a Fish
- Beaching a Fish
- …Cooking a Fish
Reading The Surf
If you don’t know where to start, or you simply need a little more clarification and reassurance, this should be a huge help.
In This Article:
- How To Read The Surf (In Depth)
- Video on How To Read The Surf
- Troughs
- Holes
- Too Much Structure?
- Wind Ripples
- Rip Currents
- Why Learn How To Read The Surf
Best Times and Tides for Surf Fishing: How to Plan
One of those questions that doesn’t ever seem to have a clear answer. There are simply so many factors and variables that play a role here so this is what I’ve got for you.
In this article:
- Best Times For Surf Fishing
- Best Tides For Surf Fishing
- Conditions To Look At (Forecasts)
- Common Theories
Gear And Tackle I Use For Surf Fishing
It can be intimidating trying a new rig, set up, lure, bait, etc. So, I’ve outlined exactly what I use and why. This should give you the confidence needed.
In this article:
- Light Tackle
- Rod and Reel
- Terminal Tackle and Line
- Why I Use What I Use
- Shark Fishing Gear and Tackle
- Rod and Reel
- Terminal Tackle and Line
- Why I Use What I Use
Recommended Rods and Reels
In this article:
- Light Tackle Rods And Reels For Surf Fishing
- Shark Fishing Rods and Reels
Shark Fishing
In this article:
- Why Am I Only Catching Rays and Baby Sharks?
- Rigging?
- Tactics?
- Bait?
Common Species Of Fish In So Cal Surf
In this article:
- Peak Seasons Per Species
- Legal Limits And Sizes
- Record Sizes
- Fighting Strengths
- Range and Habitat
San Diego County Beaches
In this article:
- Overview Of Nearly Every Beach In San Diego County
- Video Of Each Beach
- Where To Legally Fish
- Where To Park
- Nearby Hotels
Grunion Runs: Beaches and Tactics
In this article:
- About Grunion
- Best Conditions
- Best Beaches For Grunion
Sand Crabs And Surf Fishing
In this article:
- About Sand Crabs
- How To Find Sand Crabs
- Best Size And Soft Shells
- How To Hook Sand Crabs
- Can You Find/Use Them In The Fall/Winter?
- Alternative Baits
Red Tides, Glowing Waves and Sea Foam
In this article:
- What Is A Red Tide?
- Why Do The Waves Glow?
- Is It Toxic?
- Why and When Does It Occur?
Surf Fishing With Mussel Meat
In this article:
- Where Do I Get My Mussel Meat?
- How To Hook Mussel Meat To Keep It On?
- Video Explaining With Example Session
- What You Might Catch
About The Carolina Rig
In this article:
- How To Tie It
- Leader Length
- Why Use A Bead?
Storms, Barrometric Pressure and Fishing
In this article:
- What Do Storms Mean For Surf Fishing
- Better Before, After Or During?
Braid Vs Mono
In this article:
- Pros And Cons
- Strecth
- Diameter
- Abrasion
- Price
Fluoro Vs Mono
In this article:
- Visibility?
- Which Sinks?
- Leader Vs Mainline
- Which Stretches More?
Lucky Crafy Vs Calissa Lures
In this article:
- Design And Looks
- Castability
- Swim Ability
- Overall Productivity
Baits Alternative To Sand Crabs
In this article:
- Sand Worms
- Fishbites
- Clam Meat
- Mussel Meat
- Squid Meat
- Anchovy
- Lucky Craft
A Couple Other Articles Worth The Read:
A Fisherman’s Tale: What I Accidentally Hooked
In this article:
- The Story Of When I Hooked Something Much Bigger Than I Expected
A Fish’s Worth: Inside The Mind Of A Surf Fisherman
In this article:
- Accomplishment
- Mystery
- Part Of The Journey
30+ Inch Halibut
In this article:
- What I Used
- And The Whole Story
World Record Yellowtail
In this article:
- The Story On The Largest Recorded land-Based Yellowtail
- Weight/Length
- Bait/Set-up And Much More
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Yo Nick;;;;;another wealth of info……Im hoping to join you week aftert next? In DelMar/Solana area?How to proceed(fee/how to pay)……I have training (for PD) tue and Thursdays mid day.Am eager to learn esp Carolina rig and getting those sand crabs? great articles once again….Mike Parker/DelMar
Awesome! Thanks for the appreciation. Go ahead and book your session through here: http://surffishingsocalsd.com/surf-fishing-service/
Looking forward to getting together with ya
Hi Nick, Re alternative baits to sand crabs, IMO, I would put blood worms & lug worms at the top of the list. Live ghost shrimp right behind. Gulp sandworms are very good if none of these other natural baits are available. Used Fishbites off & on and never had a bite..
Blood worms and lug worms are certainly deserving of being on the list. As you might know, the article isn’t written in any order of best to worst (or vice versa). I’ve actually heard the same remark though from other anglers. And as I do believe they might be great options, I simply don’t have any talking experience on them so I can’t write about them… yet. Definitely something I need to try. Fishbites surprised the heck out of me. I think building trust in a bait is the toughest part and if you never have that trust, it’ll never really work for you. For me, my first 3 casts ever with fishbites related in action on every single one and I’ve done well with them with mostly yellowfin and Spotfin croaker. But I’ve also had days with zero production. Just gotta believe in your bait because if you don’t, you won’t fish it right. I know it from not having confidence in LCs for the longest time and then it clicked. Thanks for the questions!
Thanks, Richard! That we did. We had that up and down So Cal and it was a rough one.
This is a grand slam.
Fantastic info.
Thanks, John.